Add some oil to the pan. Carefully lower 4 Eggs into the pan with a slotted spoon one at a time. Cook for 6 minutes.
Prepare an ice bath by filling a large bowl with cold water and adding ice cubes. Once the 6 minutes is up, use a slotted spoon to transfer the eggs to the ice bath immediately. This will stop the cooking process. Leave the eggs in the water for 2 minutes.
Peel the eggs and put into a bowl. Mash with a fork.
Add 2 tablespoon Mayonnaise, 50 g Cress, 1 pinch Sea salt and 1 pinch Ground black pepper. Mix well.
Divide the egg mixture between two of the 4 slices Bread and top with the remaining bread.
Once the eggs are done, I immediately place them in cold water to cool them down before peeling them. This helps the shell come off more easily and prevents the egg from overcooking.
When mashing the eggs, I like to leave some small chunks for texture, but you can mash them to your desired consistency.
Some chopped chives or spring onions are a nice addition to this sandwich.
A little pinch of smoked paprika adds a lovely flavour to this too.
Use a sharp knife when cutting the sandwich, to ensure that the filling doesn't all come oozing out.