Mix together 200 g Self-raising flour and 1 teaspoon Baking powder.
Whisk 1 Egg, 1 teaspoon Vegetable oil and 350 ml Whole milk together, then add to the flour and mix into a batter.
Heat some butter or oil in a large frying pan and add a ladle of the mixture in to make a pancake (about 8 inch across). Cook for 3 mins each side. Repeat this 4 times.
Use the squirty cream to draw a beard and the bottom of Santa's hat. Then use raspberries and strawberries for the hat, nose and mouth and then chocolate chips for eyes.
This recipe should make about 4 thick American style pancakes. But, depending on how thin you make your pancakes, you might get more.
You could use slices of strawberries for the Santa hat instead.
You can add some vanilla in to the pancake batter for extra flavor.
Save some calories and use slices of banana to make the beard instead of cream.