Why I Started
I started the blog in 2011 as a place to share healthy recipes that weren’t boring or restrictive and how to sneak a few extra vegetables in to your diet. I wanted to show that healthy is all about balance, which is why you will find so much more than healthy recipes here. HHH (for short) is all about making healthy meals exciting, and enjoying all the other things too.
I didn't grow up helping out in the kitchen and you won't find hundreds of recipes passed down through my family here. I learnt to cook as a poor student and that culinary education continued as our family grew and we had two children. I taught myself to cook delicious, and healthy recipes using ingredients you could find in your supermarket, and that is what you will still find here today.
What You'll Find Here:
Hungry Healthy Happy shares healthy family friendly recipes, from comfort food to light salads, veggie packed to delicious treats and a mixture of quick and easy recipes to those that require a bit more attention. There is a vast selection of vegetarian and vegan recipes and something to suit all dietary restrictions.
Why Should You Try Hungry Healthy Happy?
- Ranked the number 1 food blog in the UK.
- 2 books published, so we know how to develop a delicious recipe.
- Family friendly recipes with a healthy twist.
- Easy to navigate website with a helpful search bar.
- All recipes are triple tested and we never share anything that doesn't work perfectly.
- Hundreds of loved and rated by reader recipes to try.
- UK and US measurements provided.
- A handy jump to recipe button if you just want to go straight to the recipe card.
- All your comments are taken on board and things are changed if needed.
Since 2011, Hungry Healthy Happy has turned in to a fantastic community of like minded people who see being healthy as far more than a restrictive diet and are thinking more about their mental health and what makes them happy, which is why HHH is more than just food.
With a social media following of over 150,000, HHH has been ranked the Number 1 Food Blog in the UK for 3 years in a row. HHH is the place to go for quick and easy healthy recipes that are not restrictive (you will still see cheese, butter, ice cream and all the good stuff here – everything in moderation).
My Books
Hungry Healthy Happy
In 2015, the Hungry Healthy Happy book was published and is available online and in all good bookstores. Having a book published was a dream come true and is just one of the many wonderful things that has come from blogging. It contains 100 recipes for healthier alternatives of traditional unhealthy foods.
The Healthy Slow Cooker
In 2018 the second book, The Healthy Slow Cooker was published. It contains 100 healthy slow cooker recipes that the whole family will love. We wanted to show just how helpful a slow cooker can be when it comes to saving time, which is what a lot of people says holds them back from eating healthier meals.
The book also includes healthy options of some popular 'comfort' dishes, together with tips for choosing your slow cooker and how to get the most out of it.
Want to know more? take a look at our FAQ Page, for more information about Hungry Healthy Happy.
If you would like to work with HHH, have your products featured on the blog or just want a chat, then take a look at the Work With Us page to see what we can offer you! If you have a question or feedback about the blog, send us a message through our Contact Page.
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Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, personal trainer, registered dietitian or any kind of health professional. I simply post what has worked for me and what continues to work for me and this should be used as a general guide to improving your health and fitness. It will not work for everyone and you should always consult your doctor first so you don’t cause yourself any harm. Animations used in videos and web stories are courtesy of:
Jeffrey Christopher, Shivam Patsariya, Victor Campos, SejaUP, and go1studio.
© All content is copyrighted to Danielle Martin at Hungry Healthy Happy. Please have a read of my Privacy Policy.
martine says
That is all!
Stacy says
Dannii...you are an inspiration. Continue to shine your light and ignore the low energetic vibrations of trolls. But I commend you for addressing Myla directly. I read a quote that said [paraphrase] "The world is not a bad place because of bad people. It's due to the silence of GOOD people." Continue to uplift others and I pray that Myla learns the art of speaking the truth with COMPASSION.
Stacy says
Correction: HER perspective of the truth.
Myla says
Wow! I'm happy my health goal wasn't just to be skinny. It was to be fit! Skinny covered in a layer of fat may look good in clothes but not good undressed (or at least not in form fitting clothes). Incline that treadmill, add resistance to your exercise bike and lift! Fix your posture too!
Dannii says
If you have read any of my posts at all Myla, then you would know that my goal was never to be skinny - it was HEALTHY. It's in the title of the page. I don't consider myself skinny, I never said I was, and I never said I didn't have a layer of fat. Also, did I say I was done yet? I will never be done. I do wonder if you have lost a considerable amount of weight yourself? If you have, you will know the struggles that comes with that. I have always used an incline on the treadmill and resistance on the bike and I lift heavy. Just because you doing that made you look a certain way, does not mean that I will look the same way.
Not that I need to justify myself to you, but I was in a car crash when I was younger that makes it difficult for me to sit/stand up as straight as I should/want to.
I am not sure what you got from criticising someone on the internet - perhaps it makes you feel better about yourself. But before you judge other people by their appearance, when knowing nothing about them, please think that it says more about you than it does about them.
I wish you health and happiness!
Philipa says
You look fantastic and you must feel amazing as well! Well done to you for changing your life!
Laura says
Dannii, you are such an inspiration to me. I am finally going to sort myself out after faffing around for the last year i am fed up of being so unhealthy and unhappy.
Can i ask how you feel about 'diet' fizzy drinks ? I have a minor addiction to diet cola - will it help my weight loss to give it up? X
Dannii says
Thanks Laura :)
Personally, I really dislike any diet products, especially diet coke. It is full of artificial sweetener, which your body can't process properly and your body can't actually tell it is not real sugar. Also, it can actually spike sugar cravings. I also find it makes me very bloated. But, take things one step at a time. Don't give up everything at once, otherwise it will seem overwhelming.
Cassie says
Such an amazing story. Thank you so much for sharing it with us and spending your free time giving us advice x
Allie says
Hi Danni,
I have lost 39kilos, and 7 more kilos to go. I am wondering if you were eating the same amount of calories (i.e. foods you posted on the blogs) during your weight loss journey or just for your weight loss maintenance? If yes, what kind of foods you avoided cause I know you mentioned you were a vegetarian before and I am not :)
Thanks for answering and hope I can achieve my goal as you did! :D
Dannii says
Well done on your weight loss Allie! No, I eat more calories now I am maintaining than what I did when I was losing weight. I need to eat more now, as I don't want to lose any more weight.
I was a vegetarian, but now I eat meat. When I was losing weight, the only things I avoided was anything artificial or processed - everything else I just ate in moderation.
I hope that helps :)
Trene says
Thank you for the tips, recipes and encouragement!!! I am SO TIRED of feeling, looking and being fat and unhealthy. I have struggled with my weight for the past 6 years since going from factory work to a desk job. I cook more from scratch and seldomly go out to eat, my problem is I eat to much of what I cook and those late night snacks are hard to resist. I quit smoking a month and a half ago partially because I took up walking for a period of time and couldn't manage due to my smoking. Anyway....Hoping that reading your updates, tips and trying some of your recipes will help me to get on track and stay there :-)
Dannii says
Portion control is definitely key. You can do it!
Eliza says
Congrats on staying so motivated and looking gorgeous. I'm currently in the process of trying to lose pregnancy weight. So far I lost 18 pounds but it's taking forever. I was taking Herbalife supplements (which required substituting 2 meals a day with shakes) but since now I cannot afford it anymore, I'm pretty much left to myself. I did gain back about 5 pounds after stopping the program and now I'm trying to just incorporate more fruits and vegetables (as opposed to lots of proteins as Herbalife states). However, I don't know why, but I'm not really shedding any weight. Well, I have never been skinny, I think genetics play a big role here since my dad's fam was a bit obese. I feel like it's unfair that I watch what I eat and I still gain weight and some people just eat whatever they want and never have that problem. You probably know what I mean. See, I don't drink soda or juice (only if I make my own I will drink it). I don't eat sweets or junk food. Any ideas or suggestions as what I should do to speed up my progress?
Thank you so much and have a blessed day.
Annik says
Please, check all pasta, breads, rice and potatoes, you don't really need them!!
Good luck!
Dannii says
And why is it exactly that I don't need them?
Hayley says
I think this page is fab. I am 25 years old and weighed myself yesterday to find that I am a ghastly 21st 2.6lbs. That's 9st above the greatest weight I should be in my healthy range. Basically I am carrying another person around with me. To say I'm horrified is an understatement. It's refreshing to me to see that you tried fad diets too, its so tempting to try to lose a large amount of weight quickly. Thank you for sharing your battle and finally your success. I will let you know how I do :-)
Dannii says
I know that feeling Hayley. Having that wake up call of finally stepping on the scale is a big moment. But, it is a moment you should remember well so you can look back at it in a couple of years time and feel so proud of how far you have come.
Keep checking back with us and let us know how you are getting on - we love a success story! Also, if you find yourself struggling, we are here to support you too.
Jessica says
I think you rock for losing so much weight.... BUT you lost 98 pounds in 18 months so you're left skinny and not toned which makes you still look unhealthy. You look like any other skinny woman not one who's fit.
Erin says
I hink this comment is so unfair. Dannii is just sharing her story and her progress. She never said she was finished! It takes a long time to get from overweight to thin AND toned.
Dannii says
Thanks for your support Erin <3
Dannii says
Thanks for saying that I look unhealthy Jessica. You must feel so much better about yourself now you have put a complete stranger down. Erin is right, I am nowhere near done, I will never be "done" as health and fitness is something I will always have to work out. By your comment, I am guessing that you have never lost a significant amount of weight. I would suggest you put that negative energy into something more productive, as this is a positive place that supports people who have struggled with their health and fitness, not a place where they should all feel the need to fit into societies standard of "toned".
One final thing. Genetics play a LOT in it, some people will never be toned, no matter how hard they try. I may be one of them and if I am, that is fine by me because I AM healthy - whether you think I look healthy or not.
Have a great day!
Glenda says
Dannii, You are a beautiful person, inside and out! I'm not saying that to make you feel good, I'm saying that because it's the truth! You look fantastic and the fact that you put so much time and energy into helping and inspiring others (like me) to finally become the healthy "me" we all know we can be, makes you beautiful on the inside as well. Thank you for NOT being selfish and keeping your healthy recipes to yourself, I look forward to your healthy alternatives. You truly are an inspiration! Keep up the excellent work :D
EJ says
Wow, that's pretty 'Raise you up one minute, kick you in the teeth the next' Jessica. This young lady has achieved an amazing thing with her dedication to her weight loss journey & has been kind enough to share it with everyone else that has similar struggles. Not only that, she looks amazing. It's a shame you felt you needed to taint that.
Rachel says
Thank you for sharing your story. Your blog is such an inspiration and you keep me motivated every day x
Dannii says
Thanks for the kind words Rachel. Glad to have you here :)
Tim Stone says
Thks for sharing such useful hints & motivational help!!! :O)
Dannii says
Thanks Tim! It is always nice to have more guys here too. I know there are a few of you floating about though!
BeccaBoo127 says
Love the name of your blog! Congrats on your weight loss, and continuing health!
Dannii says
Thank you! I can't even remember how I came up with the name, but I really like it too!
Amillie Waadia says
Very Inspiring website and very real tooo.....I urge all my friends to see this website and get inspired with it.
Dannii says
Thank you. And thank you for sharing it with your friends too. The more people we can reach, the more we can support too.